Don't Be A Stupid Cupid: The Ethical Imperative to Not Mix Business and Pleasure
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

One of the fundamental principles of legal ethics can be summed up as: "Keep your hands off the client." And while this is a gross oversimplification of the legal ethics rules, it is true that this breach of trust is among the gravest transgressions that a lawyer can make. Moreover, as it are often amongst the most heavily-punished violations, it often start a cascading effect of rule-breaking as lawyers desperately attempt to avoid detection. As a result, it never hurts to review this all-important ethical limitation on lawyer conduct.

You're a Lawyer Not a Fighter: The Ethical Imperative to Remain Peaceful at All Times
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

Lawyers serve a vital role in society -- to help others resolve their disputes peacefully. And while lawyers do so through use of the adversarial process, we must not ever lose sight of the fact that we are not "fighting" for our clients. We are striving to help them reach a peaceful solution to their problem.

Sadly, quite often, lawyers get so hung up in the confrontational manner of depositions, cross-examinations, contract negotiations, and the like, that we develop a "fighting" mentality. This mentality does not serve the best of interest of our clients and nor does it serve our personal or professional interests.

From Competence to Excellence: The Ethical Imperative for Excellent Client Service
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

The very first rule of the ethics canon calls for lawyers to provide competent representation to clients. Yet, mere competence isn't enough to satisfy our ethical obligations to our clients. We must instead strive for excellence. In this unique webinar, noted legal humorist Sean Carter will highlight the need for excellence in client service and demonstrate the consequences of mediocrity by recounting the sagas of past Ethy Award nominees -- lawyers who earned CLE infamy for the failure to provide excellent client service.

Lies, Damn Lies & Legal Marketing: The Ethics of Legal Marketing
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

What is effective advertising in other fields is rarely acceptable in the field of law. In this entertaining ethics course, Sean Carter examines in detail the ethical rules concerning marketing and their practical implications. The program also covers common advertising strategies employed by attorneys, and the pitfalls many attorneys will encounter.

Fantasy Supreme Court League: The 2024 Season
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

Step right up to participate in the Fantasy Supreme Court League. In this unique presentation, Sean Carter humorously recaps the significant cases of the most recent term. After receiving the facts of each case, you will compete with lawyers from across the country by attempting to remember (or guess) the outcome and "vote spread" of each case.

Don't Be an Outlaw: The Ethical Imperative to Follow the Law
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

Lawyers must not only have a fundamental understanding of the law, but also, a fundamental commitment to abiding by it. And while the necessity to avoid committing major felonies is obvious to everyone, some lawyers forget about the necessity to follow the "little laws" as well. In this eye-opening webinar, legal humorist Sean Carter will recount the tales of past Ethy Award nominees (those who were recognized the best of the worst ethics violations). These lawyers learned, albeit too late, that if you do even a minor crime, you will do the disciplinary time.

Enough is Enough: Avoiding Vexatious Lawyering
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

While lawyers are expected to provide their clients with zealous representation, we are not allowed to become outright zealots in pursuit of our client's objectives. Yet, time and again, this is precisely what happens as lawyers become fixated on winning at all costs. And as a result, they end up paying the ultimate price -- the loss of their license to practice law.

In this sobering but surprisingly funny presentation, legal humorist Sean Carter will distinguish permissible zealous legal practices from unethical legal zealotry.

ChattyGPT: Using AI for More Effective Communication
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

Join us as we delve into the revolutionary ways AI is transforming lawyer communications. Discover how this cutting-edge technology can enhance your interactions with clients, streamline internal collaborations, and facilitate negotiations with opposing counsel. This engaging session will provide practical insights and hands-on exercises, equipping you with the tools to leverage AI for greater efficiency and effectiveness in your practice.

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth: The Ethical Imperative for Honesty in Law Practice
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

Dr. Martin Luther King once said, "A fact is the absence of contradiction, but the truth is the presence of coherence." As lawyers, we are duty bound to be more than just factual. Lawyers must tell the truth to clients, judges, and even opposing counsel and third parties. In this eye-opening webinar, legal humorist Sean Carter will deal frankly with the very human inclination for dishonesty and explain how to avoid the traps from which dishonesty most often springs. In doing so, he will draw upon current and past nominees from his annual Ethy Awards to show the consequences of dishonesty.

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