Enough is Enough: Avoiding Vexatious Lawyering
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

While lawyers are expected to provide their clients with zealous representation, we are not allowed to become outright zealots in pursuit of our client's objectives. Yet, time and again, this is precisely what happens as lawyers become fixated on winning at all costs. And as a result, they end up paying the ultimate price -- the loss of their license to practice law.

In this sobering but surprisingly funny presentation, legal humorist Sean Carter will distinguish permissible zealous legal practices from unethical legal zealotry.

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth: The Ethical Imperative for Honesty in Law Practice
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

Dr. Martin Luther King once said, "A fact is the absence of contradiction, but the truth is the presence of coherence." As lawyers, we are duty bound to be more than just factual. Lawyers must tell the truth to clients, judges, and even opposing counsel and third parties. In this eye-opening webinar, legal humorist Sean Carter will deal frankly with the very human inclination for dishonesty and explain how to avoid the traps from which dishonesty most often springs. In doing so, he will draw upon current and past nominees from his annual Ethy Awards to show the consequences of dishonesty.

Exploring the Litigation Frontier: Using AI for Case Assessment and Initial Pleadings
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

Discover the future of legal practice in this cutting-edge webinar designed specifically for forward-thinking litigators. In this interactive program, you will earn how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be your "first officer" as you navigate client engagement, case investigation, strategy development, and even drafting your initial pleadings. Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of legal innovation and elevate your practice with the skills to navigate the exciting world of AI in law.

Technical Fouls: Even Minor Ethics Violations Can Have Major Consequences
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

When it comes to ethics violations, there is no such thing as a minor or "technical" foul. All ethics violations are serious matters, evidencing a breach of the trust that has been placed in the lawyer. As a result, lawyers must avoid falling into the mindset that a particular violation is "no big deal."

To make this case, noted legal humorist Sean Carter will chronicle a number of recent ethics cases in which lawyers were surprised to discover that even minor ethics violations can have major consequences.

If You Can't Say Something Nice, Shut Up!: The Ethical Imperative for Civility
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

As children, we were all taught, "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all." Well, that advice holds especially true for lawyers. Whether in open court, a deposition, or contract negotiation, lawyers who choose to "go low," run a high risk of bar discipline. Increasingly, disciplinary authorities are treating the once aspirational goal of civility as a mandate. Therefore, it's important for all lawyers to be reminded of their obligation to "play nice."

Legal Ethics Is No Laughing Matter: What Lawyer Jokes Say About Our Ethical Foibles
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

In this one-of-a-kind ethics presentation, Mr. Carter explores the topic of lawyer jokes, whether they have any basis in fact and what they say about our adherence to the rules of professional conduct. He does so through the use of video clips dramatizing these jokes. He also will use audience polling and questions from attendees to spread the "laughter."

Draft at Warp Speed: Using A.I. in Contract Drafting
Presented by: Legal Humorist Sean Carter

Embark on an exploratory journey into the future of legal practice by getting on-board for this cutting-edge webinar designed to illuminate the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on contract drafting. Join us as we navigate our way towards boldly drafting like no lawyer has drafted before.

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